About HelldiverJump
HelldiverJump this is a platformer game where you keep going up, and eventually you meet the boss and defeat him! Make sure to grab the weapon and get on the platform that shoots you up to the top!
Gameplay Features
- Enemies with different behaviors, including some that follow and shoot at the player to distract them.
- A powerful boss that activates at the top level of the game.
- Weapon collection for the player character.
- W - Jump
- A - Move Left
- D - Move Right
- F - Shoot (when weapon is collected)
- Make sure to scroll down to where the player is on the form so you dont get confused, the camera takes care of the rest.
Picture relation:
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegamer.com%2Fhelldivers-2-player-shares-
- look-at-in-game-super-earth%2F&psig=QjRxqFwoTCJjg-ZzrpYYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
- AOvVaw1IDBESjPkSKH1hd1pjYJZV&ust=1716624612997000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&
- ved=0CBA