Goodbye Program8/31/22
In this program we learned how to use picture boxes and buttons. |
About Page9/2/22
In this program we learned how to make picture boxes appear and dissapear with buttons. |
Mailing Label9/7/22
In this program we learned how to do concatenation. |
In this program we learned how to further improve concatenation skills. |
Car Rental9/12/22
In this program we learned how to calculate customer cost by miles and display what we have calculated, and keep track of customers. |
In this program we learned how to calculate BMI from height and weight. |
Car Rental Upgrade9/28/22
In this program we learned how to calculate customer cost by miles and add addons by using radio buttons. |
Test Score Program9/30/22
In this program we learned how to calculate test scores from percentage. |
Dice Game10/4/22
In this program we learned how to calculate probability and use random number generators. |
Craps Dice Game10/11/22
In this program we learned how to make rules with random numbers. |
Triangle Checker10/19/22
In this program we learned how to use rules to identify triangles. |
Slot Machine11/3/22
In this program we learned how to calculate grand prize total and use more than 1 button. |
Taco Truck11/15/22
In this program we used all of our skills that we have learned and put it into a midterm project. |
In this program we learned how to use arrays and used random number generators for characters. |
2D Sub Program01/20/23
In this program we learned how to use arrays with boundaries, also using AI to hunt you down. |
Tic Tac Toe02/08/23
In this program we improved our array skills and learned how to use specific coding for specific directions. |
Basic AI02/17/23
In this program we learned how to code ai to come toward us and lose health, and to move our character with key presses. |
In this program we learned how to code ai to grow and expand and to spawn in random location so it looked like you were moving throught the galaxy. |
AI Upgrade03/17/23
In this program we learned how to use arrays with enemies to hunt your character down with specific directions, improving on Basic AI. |
Number Array03/28/23
In this program we learned how to calculate random numbers, odd, even, and average numbers in an array. |